Academic_Works Games Projects About_Me

Personal Projects

[root@page]# Most Recent

Skalculator - Simple GUI RPN calculator using only X11.

[root@page]# Sklinux

Sklinux GNU/Linux - My own independent GNU/Linux distribution.

[root@page]# Machine Learning

FastK - Python implementation of FastK clustering (except it's slow).

GDScript KMeans - GDScript implementation of KMeans clustering.

[root@page]# Mathematics

Skalculator - Simple GUI RPN calculator using only X11.

COMfig - Find [C]enter [O]f [M]ass of [fig]ures.

An Analysis of Treap Search - Complexity and Experiments (Article).

An Analysis of Comb Sort - Complexity and Experiments (Article).

TextToTeX - String to Image converter.

Lagrange Polynomial Interpolation.

Riemann Series Theorem Generator.

[root@page]# Cryptography

S-DES - Simplified Data Encryption Standard in C.

[root@page]# Simulation

Fsradio - Cost-effective Arduino-controlled FS2004/X GA Radio Stack (Article).

SIR Cellular Automata made by me, Gabriel and Silvio (Source Code).

[root@page]# Image Processing

Skonvolve - Apply kernels to images with a simple, but nice GUI.

Filternista - Simple iOS image filtering app made with Pythonista 3.

Video Joystick made by me and Silvio - Create joysticks out of paper. (Article and SI).

[root@page]# Miscellaneous

SKText - Minimalist X11 Text Editor.

CrappyConsole - Simulate printf/scanf commands in GDScript.

GDScript-Server - Run your GDScripts directly from your Browser/cURL (Source Code).

[root@page]# Games

PlaneSpace - Space shooter game made in Construct 3 (Source Code).

Xraycaster - X11 Raycaster, because OpenGL is bloat!

Spong - In-Terminal Multiplayer Pong-like Game.

Tutano - OpenGL Adventure Game.

Fchess - Minimax Chess Engine (Article).