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Academic works

NOTE: Dates are in the unconventional format yy-mm-dd.

[root@page]# Published Articles

23-06-29 - EN - Guided Clustering for Selecting Representatives Samples in Chemical Databases

22-12-12 - EN - The impact of low-cost molecular geometry optimization in property prediction via graph neural network

22-10-27 - EN - Theoretical Framework Based on Molecular Dynamics and Data Mining Analyses for the Study of Potential Energy Surfaces of Finite-Size Particles

[root@page]# Other Articles

23-01-10 - EN - Cost-effective Arduino-controlled FS2004/X GA Radio Stack

22-07-17 - EN - An Analysis of Treap Search

22-05-27 - EN - An Analysis of Comb Sort

21-08-09 - EN - Computer vision program to create joysticks out of paper (SI)

20-10-12 - EN - Minimax Algorithm Applied to Chess Engines

[root@page]# Posters

24-06-14 - EN - Contributions and Challenges of Machine Learning in Materials Science

22-10-18 - EN - Recent Advances in Materials Science Research Through Machine Learning

22-10-18 - EN - Enhancing the Capability of Molecular Dynamics with Machine Learning

20-02-18 - EN - Clustering methods for selecting representative samples in chemical databases v2

19-08-30 - EN - Clustering methods for selecting representative samples in chemical databases v1

19-04-18 - PT - Números quatérnions e rotações no espaço

[root@page]# Reports

19-07-18 - PT - Relatório Científico (Álgebra)

[root@page]# Slides

23-06-29 - EN - Machine Learning and Data Mining Algorithms Applied in Computational Materials Science

22-08-29 - EN - Chemical Space Exploration via Semi-Supervised Learning with Molecular Graphs

22-02-18 - EN - Supervised Clustering for selecting representative samples in chemical databases

21-02-05 - EN - Biased Clustering for selecting representative samples in chemical databases

19-06-03 - PT - Números quatérnions e rotações no espaço

[root@page]# Thesis

22-02-11 - PT - Undergraduate Thesis

[root@page]# Abstracts

20-04-18 - EN - Clustering methods for selecting representative samples in chemical databases

19-04-18 - PT - Números quatérnions e rotações no espaço